


Young Master Invitational Beer Fest-Full Lineup


Mikkeller HQ
As a craft beer pioneer, Mikkel Bjergsø has been setting trends since 2006 when the brewery was founded. His brews are known to challenge not only one’s tastebuds but also the perception of beer. Today, Mikkeller’s beers are sold in over 40 countries around the world and will be pouring at our very own YMIBF!


Mikkeller Brewing NYC
Mikkeller NYC is Mikkeller’s first U.S. location outside of California, it functions as a brewery, bar & restaurant with 60 weekly-rotating taps pouring fresh beers specific to NYC.

Mikkeller Brewing NYC是Mikkeller在美國加州以外拓展的第一個啤酒廠,啤酒廠內的餐吧更提供多達60款新鮮獨特的精釀啤酒!

AJB - Anglo Japanese Brewing Company
Based in Nozawa onsen, the Japanese artisan brewery brews exceptional beers with the best quality natural ingredients, they are also one of the few breweries in Japan that brews barrel-aged beers.

Moon Dog Craft Brewery
Moondog loves crafting bloody delicious beers that’s fun and a little different. They’re a proudly independent, Australian owned craft brewery. They’ve grown a heap over the last 7years adding their Tropical Brewery Bar Paradise, The Ballroom Oasis Function Space, and a production brewery to keep more delicious beers flowing.


Põhjala Brewery
Põhjala was the first in the new wave of Estonian microbreweries, starting as a gypsy brewery at the end of 2012. When creating beers, they are inspired by Nordic nature, Estonian new cuisine and the work of our fellow small brewers.

Young Master Ales 
As the host of the Young Master Invitational Beer Festival, Young Master Brewery is keen on introducing Hong Kong craft brews to the world. We are a group of aspiring craft lovers and have been striving to create distinctive and quality beers since 2013.

Young Master Brewery熱衷於向世界推廣香港製造的精釀啤酒。我們這群工藝啤酒愛好者自2013年以來便一直致力打造獨特而優質的啤酒。

Stone Brewing
Stone Brewing has come a long way since opening up in San Diego in 1996. Known for its bold, flavorful and largely hop-centric beers, Stone has earned a reputation for brewing outstanding, unique beers that you wouldn’t want to miss out!

Stone Brewing早於1996年就在加州聖地亞哥開業,以釀造出色、大膽、獨特的啤酒而聞名,


Siren Craft Brew
Siren Craft Brew was named the 'Best Brewer in England' by Ratebeer users in 2015, just this year, they have planned to release over 100 beers! Are you excited to try their latest beers? Because we sure are! 
歡迎Siren Craft Brew!他們在2015年被Ratebeer用戶評為“英國最佳釀酒師”。今年,The Sirens更計劃出產超過100款新啤酒!敬請期待!

臺虎精釀 Taihu Brewing
Taihu Brewing will be bringing us a good variety of Taiwanese beers to Hong Kong, don’t miss your chance to come and enjoy a drink with them! 

Heroes Beer Co.
Heroes will be joining us at YMIBF! Not only your all time favourites but also a list of exciting new beers. Come share a beer with them and learn more about the heroes behind their unique and inspiring beers! 
有請香港的Heroes Beer Co.人一世物一世點都要做一次啤酒英雄有限公司! Heroes將有多款新品推出,令人非常期待!快來了解更多關於他們的啤酒背後一個個獨特的英雄故事吧!

Hop Nation
Hop Nation is an Australian craft brewery started in 2014 by winemakers Sam Hambour and Duncan Gibson. With a name like Hop Nation, hops and quality ingredients are a natural focus. We know you love some hoppy beers so don’t miss out! 
Hop Nation是2014年由釀酒師Sam Hambour和Duncan Gibson在澳洲創立的精釀啤酒廠。 Hop Nation顧名思義就是以優質的啤酒花為焦點,甘香的啤酒花味定會讓你在啤酒節中一試難忘!

Garage Project
Garage Project will be joining us this year! Their story began in a garage in Wellington, New Zealand, the brewery has been constantly experimenting and pushing boundaries since 2011, their unique beers never fail to surprise one’s taste buds.

Garage Project將參加少爺有請啤酒節!故事源自於紐西蘭威靈頓一間狹小的車庫,他們由2011年起一直以來不斷嘗試和挑戰啤酒的新領域,每款啤酒都充滿驚喜!

Fifth Hammer Brewing Company
Founded in 2015, Fifth Hammer is a 15-barrel brewery located in the heart of Long Island City, New York. From their Peanut Butter Porter to Pineapple Sour, their beers are definitely changing the game! 
少爺有請Fifth Hammer!這家位於紐約長島市中心的啤酒廠成立於2015年,花生醬波特啤酒,菠蘿酸啤等都是其代表作之一,他們的啤酒定會為啤酒節帶黎新鮮感!

Coming all the way from Norway, Lervig will be pouring at YMIBF! From sessionable pilsners and pale ales, to tangy sours and barrel-aged stouts. The diverse team behind the walls brings a creative and global perspective to their brews, come give Norwegian beers a try!

歡迎Lervig從挪威遠赴香港參與啤酒節!北歐精釀班霸Lervig 同時擅長重口味桶陳黑啤及啤酒花香濃郁的酒款,相信定能吸引不少手工啤酒迷!

Pasteur Street Brewing Company
From the heart of Saigon, Pasteur Street combines American craft brewing techniques and fresh, exotic Vietnamese ingredients to produce beers like their signature Jasmine IPA and Salty Dragonfruit Gose, showcasing the amazing flavours of Vietnam.

來自胡志明市的Pasteur Street結合了美國手工釀酒技術和新鮮的越南原料,釀製出充滿越南風味的啤酒,他們的招牌茉莉花IPA和火龍果鹹酸啤等都令人耳目一新!

Yardley Brothers beer
Yardley Brothers is now one of the most popular breweries in the city. Using quality ingredients and various brewing techniques, they are now working on numerous experimental single batch brews to create the most interesting and exciting beers.

Yardley兄弟於南丫島的家中自釀出身,憑著他們的實力與獨特風格於短短幾年內便已躋身香港最受歡迎的精釀啤酒廠之一。近年開始更積極拓展他們的啤酒領域,開始釀製一系列充滿創意的single batch brews,是次啤酒節大家亦將會品嚐到多款限量啤酒!

Zagovor Brewery
Let’s welcome Moscow’s favourite — Zagovor Brewery! From their imperial stouts, to barley wines and hazy IPAs, don’t miss your chance to try out some craft beers from the very deep end of the Moscow underground! 

少爺有請來自莫斯科的Zagovor Brewery! 啤酒節將會有俄國最愛的imperial stout,還有barley wines, hazy IPAs等等,別錯過他們的啤酒!

Finback Brewery
Finback Brewery from NYC brews fun, unique beers made for enjoyment. Whether you like it hoppy and complex, roasty and smoky, strong and sippable or sessionable and gulpable, YOU get to try them all! 
熱烈歡迎來自美國紐約的啤酒廠 - Finback Brewery!他們精於釀造有趣,獨特的啤酒。 無論你是喜歡酒花味,煙熏味,抑或是烈性或暢飲型的啤酒,都可以趁今次少爺有請啤酒節逐一品嘗!

Great Leap Brewing
Great Leap Brewing is the first craft brewery in Beijing, China. Since pouring their first pints of Honey Ma Gold and Pale Ale #6, they definitely took a great leap forward by producing up to 500,000HL of beer at their new brewery in Tianjin!


Boatrocker Brewers & Distillers
Boatrocker Brewery will be pouring at YMIBF! The Australian brewery strives to create new and great beers appealing to both newcomers on the craft beer journey and more seasoned craft beer travellers. 
Boatrocker Brewery是一家來自澳洲的獨立啤酒廠,致力於釀造新穎和優質的啤酒,無論你是探索手工精釀啤酒世界的新手,抑或是精釀啤酒的忠實擁躉都定能找到心頭好!

Minoh Beer has been a vibrant part of the Japanese craft beer community since 1997. Their creations, such as the widely sought-after Peach Weizen and Yuzu White etc. have been recognised in numerous international beer awards.

自1997年以來,Minoh啤酒一直致力推動日本精釀啤酒的發展。Oshita姊妹們的心血之作如Peach Weizen、Yuzu White等亦在眾多國際啤酒大獎中獲得認可。

Magpie Brewing Co.
As a craft beer pioneer in Korea, Magpie brewed the first sour beer in the country. Started by four friends with a love for craft beer, they are constantly pushing boundaries while striving for balance and drinkability.

南韓精釀啤酒界先鋒Magpie Brewing Co.是在2011年由四位志同道合的朋友成立,敢於創新的Magpie更是南韓釀造酸啤的第一所酒廠!

YMIBF will be held from May 25-26 at House 1881 TST. Buy early bird tickets now:


