


Foreign Extra Stout

ABV: 6.5% IBU: 25

Our latest composition is a duet with the celebrated local rock band, KOLOR. Drawing parallels between the work of an expressive painter who utilizes colors to reveal their thoughts, KOLOR’s work seeks to combine musical elements to showcase their own point-of-view. Extending this metaphor of colors, just as a black object absorbs and therefore assimilates all colors, our collaboration with the band, Blackolor is a dark foreign extra stout.

With hefty roast, robust strength, subtle notes of chocolate and restrained sweetness, it also happens to be the band members’ favorite beer style. This beer’s artwork is inspired by their famous song, Paradise Gate, which reminds us all to refocus on what’s truly important and appreciate life in all its vibrant colors.


Blackolor是款特濃黑啤,正正是KOLOR最喜愛的啤酒風格。強烈的烘烤香氣之下,蘊藏陣陣巧克力風味及些微的香甜氣息。酒標設計靈感則來自樂隊代表作之一《天堂之門》,鼓勵大家享受好酒之際記得珍惜所有,因為「時光有限 能歡笑就有賺」!

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