Chungking Espresso
Barrel Aged Imperial Stout with Coffee
ABV: 10.0% IBU: 50
Chungking Espresso kicks you in the right mood, just like watching the movie of its almost namesake. A barrel aged imperial stout with coffee added, it's round, dense, decadent, and full of rich, nutty, and roasty flavors of dark malts, chocolate, and coffee. Sipping this "espresso" puts you on an express that takes you to an unforgettable journey.
Chungking Espresso 讓人心情愉悅:桶裝帝國世濤,加入濃郁咖啡,飽滿嘅黑麥芽、巧克力風味,帶出咗咖啡嘅堅果氣息同埋烘烤香。飲返杯 “濃縮咖啡” 乘坐快車,就等我地帶您踏上難忘嘅旅程啦!