Collaboration with Knockbox Coffee
Owl's Gaze
Wild Ale with Yirgacheffe Gedeb & Guji Michicha Coffee
ABV: 6.0%
Owls are surrounded by mystique. Their stoic stare suggests the kind of wisdom that could only come from living an atypical life. An ode to the enigmatic owls, this release from our Days of Being Wild Series features a similarly atypical flavour combination. We begin with a Solera process sour ale fermented with a mix of wild cultures and cold infuse it with a combination of washed Yirgacheffe Gedeb and natural anaerobic Guji Michicha coffee beans. The result inspires contemplation with its peculiar sensory experience - simultaneously sublime and mysterious. Enveloped with a heady aroma that suggests roasted chestnuts and fresh herbs, its flavour evokes sweet fruits – bananas, peaches and white flowers on the palate. With acidity that is bracing, yet rounded its natural funk is restrained. While it may not make you see in the dark, we promise its inscrutability will induce you to zone out and stare into the distance, at peace with the world.
陳年於Solera橡木桶的比利時風格酸啤,添上Knock Box 精選的冷萃水洗Yirgacheffe Gedeb 咖啡及天然厭氧處理發酵Guji Michicha咖啡,完美成就酸啤與精品咖啡之間的獨特感官體驗。烘烤栗子、新鮮香草之香氣迎頭而來,香蕉、蜜桃及白花等香甜水果風味與天然產生的funky及酸味有如黑夜中的寧靜,貓頭鷹那深邃的凝視。