

Peacock's Dance

Wild Ale with Passionfruit and Guava

ABV: 6.5%

Peafowl are vivacious and free-spirited – attributes at unrestrained display when they fan their tails and dance with abandon. Their distinctive movements have inspired many a dance tradition across Asia, often performed during the spring harvest season. The tail end of this season is also when peachicks begin to hatch, commencing their journey to free-spirited adulthood. Our newest release in the Days of Being Wild Series is a celebration of these ebullient, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed beings. Featuring a fresh batch of foeder-aged sour ale co-fermented with fresh guava and passionfruit, this beer is bright, tropical, zesty and as bubbly as our muse from the wild. With multi-faceted acidity – lactic, maleic and lightly acetic, Peacock’s Dance comes with an elegant background of subtle primeval funk.

孔雀展翅開屏,揮動身上多彩的羽毛......靈動美妙的舞姿啓發了多個亞洲文化中的傳統舞蹈,大都被解析為祈求春日豐收的象徵。曾經不解孔雀開屏迷人之處,長大後發現,這樣純粹的美其實充滿魅力。求偶以禮,不熅不火。優雅而不失霸氣、充滿自由意志的成年禮不正是我們這些人類所追求的adulting嗎? 2021年第一款Days of Being Wild野生酵母酸啤系列靈感來自孔雀這不媚俗、熱情而迷人的生物。比式木桶發酵得出的酸味複雜而有層次,加入熱帶盛產的番石榴及熱情果。
特別鳴謝賣字與我們一起創作全新Days of Being Wild系列酒標。

Award List:

2021 Australia International Beer Awards - Silver
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