西毒 Western Venom 2019

Western Venom 2019
West Coast IPA
ABV: 6.5% IBU: 50
If you are a firm believer that IPA should be hoppy, crisp, and bitter, then this is for you. Simcoe and Cascade are used in this beer to create a citrusy, floral and piney hop profile. Rounded bitterness is in the frontline, and the lightly toasted malt is pushed back to enhance the bold and assertive hops selected. Be cautious when drinking this since it is so addicting that there is no turning back.
喜歡經典美國西岸的朋友千萬不要錯過這款西毒IPA:採用西姆科與卡斯卡德啤酒花,集合花香、松木、柑橘的經典風味;酒花苦勁十足,加上淡淡麥芽烘烤香味, 完美展現經典美式IPA精神!