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Yat, Yee, Family

Blackcurrant Kveik Sour

ABV: 6.0% IBU: 5

Second Draft Anniversary Beer
Taking inspiration from traditional berliner weisse brewing techniques we have revived co-pitching yeast with our house lactobacillus strain to create a complex sour. To complement our Kveik sour, we loaded it with fresh ripe blackcurrants to contribute to its vibrant hue and to create a refreshing tart finish.

一,二,Family!有什麼比喝一杯充滿愛的啤酒更讓人高興? 為了慶祝旗下餐廳Second Draft 3歲生日,少爺特地聯同一眾Second Draft 員工們一同釀製這款黑加侖酸啤,特別採用傳統柏林酸小麥的釀造技術,同時加入Kweik酵母與乳酸菌,以創造出複雜而帶層次的酸味,額外再加入大量新鮮黑加侖,清爽口味讓人欲罷不能。

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