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10 Shui 拾歲

10th Anniversary Beer
Barrel Aged Belgian Dark Ale with Brettanomyces

ABV: 8.5%

10 Shui (拾歲) is a celebration of a decade of unrelenting commitment to fostering a world-class, yet locally rooted drinking culture. Extensively aged in bourbon barrels and mixed fermented with Brettanomyces and Kveik, this Belgian Dark Ale showcases luscious maltiness with delicate dark fruit and sherry-like notes, balanced by subtle funk and rounded out by its graceful barrel characters. This beer is a tribute to the past, a toast to the future and a reminder that the best is yet to come.

《拾歲》是一款別具意義的酒款,印證了少爺十年來所作的努力,釀製出一款又一款糅合本地元素的世界級精釀。這款比利時風格啤酒以酒香酵母 (Brettanomyces)和Kveik酵母混合發酵,經過長時間在波本桶中陳釀,豐富的麥芽風味夾帶著細緻的深色水果和雪利酒般的香甜氣息,配合細膩的酵母風味,完美展現出此酒款應有的優雅及桶陳之美。

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