ADD OIL 2022

Add Oil 2022
Bourbon Barrel Aged Coffee Imperial Stout
ABV: 10.5% IBU: 45
An uplifting cheer for times you might be languishing, Add Oil 加油 is making a much-anticipated comeback. A hefty bourbon barrel-aged imperial coffee stout brewed in partnership with Urban Coffee Roaster, this release showcases washed Panama Finca Santa Teresa beans. Top notes of walnuts, dried stone fruits, and citrus peel from the coffee layer on a brooding chocolatey, roasty stout elevated with vanilla and coconut overtones from the bourbon barrels. No matter you start your day or end your night with Add Oil 加油, it won’t judge and will always root for you.
2022年,我們再次遊走啡與啤之間,展現咖啡啤酒的可塑性,找尋兩者的共同點。少爺人氣之作【加油Add Oil咖啡啤】載譽歸來,今次更邀得本地精品咖啡品牌Urban Coffee Roaster共同研發,釀製出一款充滿層次的波本桶陳釀咖啡帝國世濤。這款桶陳超過半年的黑啤入口滿載濃濃朱古力、烘烤風味,酒體飽滿;額外加入UCR精選的水洗巴拿馬 Finca Santa Teresa 咖啡豆,為這複雜的酒款額外增添核桃、乾果和柑橘皮風味。