Amber's Lychee Wild Ale
Wild Ale
ABV: 6.5%
A follow-on to last year’s wildly fruitful collaboration, this release is a masterful blend of two Michelin-starred and Michelin Green Star-awarded Amber’s culinary artistry, beloved local brewery Young Master’s leading mixed fermentation program and local farmers co-op Farmhouse Productions' dedication to regenerative and sustainable farming practices.
Aged on Hong Kong grown lychees that would have otherwise gone to waste following a bountiful harvest, Amber’s Lychee Wild Ale is underpinned by our signature wild ale fermented with a mix of wild yeast and bacteria strains in our foeder and blended with whisky barrel aged sour ale. A medley of fragrant lychee and delicate stone fruit notes emit from the palate, backdropped by its rustic funk and energetic tartness harmonizing gracefully with its vinous characters from extensive maturation in our oak foeder. Elegantly complex with a crisp mouthfeel, this beer is a rarely seen expression of Hong Kong’s terroir and an example of a collaborative innovation that shines a spotlight on significance of sustainable practices.
繼去年大受歡迎的Leave No Bread合釀,少爺與獲米芝蓮二星及綠星殊榮的Amber再次合作推出限量混合發酵酸啤,今次更與本地農舍Farmhouse Productions合作,加入本地種植的荔枝,以美酒為今年夏天完美作結。