同流合Brew: Range Brewing

Range Brewing
West Coast IPA
ABV: 7.0% IBU: 77
A dynamic collaboration across continents with Range from Australia, our third release in our series of collaborative IPAs continues to pay homage to the timeless West Coast IPA. A sturdy malt backbone with graceful caramel nuances sets the stage for the enchanting New Zealand hops to shine at their fullest splendor, brimming with elegant white grapes, gooseberry, grapefruit and tropical fruits notes with a delightful resinous undertone.
少爺啤與澳洲Range酒廠共同打造同流合BREW 系列第三款西岸IPA,以明顯的麥芽與優雅的焦糖風味為基底,讓來自紐西蘭的迷人啤酒花香盡情綻放,散發出優雅的白葡萄、燈籠果、西柚和熱帶水果的複雜風味。