Chungking Chai
Barrel Aged Scotch Ale with Chai Spices
ABV: 8.0% IBU: 50
Chungking Chai, a love letter to the numerous culturally mixed eateries housed in Chungking Mansions, is a scotch ale with chai spices that's been barrel aged, giving it rich, complex malty flavors with a smooth mouthfeel, balanced with fragrant and lemony chai spices to brighten up your palate. Nosing and sipping this complicated yet highly drinkable spiced beer, plus a little imagination, will be like getting lost in alleys and alleys of Chungking mansions, again!
Chungking Chai是一封寫給重慶大廈內餐館們嘅氣味情書。呢款Scotch Ale經過多個月來的桶陳,其豐富、複雜嘅麥芽風味及順滑口感,額外嘅印式茶香料配合得相得益彰!飲住呢款複雜但卻極易飲嘅香料啤酒,加上少少想像力,彷彿迷失於重慶大廈嘅小巷中,充滿異國情懷!