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Days of Being Wild


Single Foeder Sour Ale

ABV: 6.5% IBU: 5

Days of Being Wild is a series inspired by the tradition of lambic style brewing in Belgium. This is the first mixed fermentation program of its kind in Asia. With a mixed-culture fermentation featuring a medley of wild yeast and bacteria strains in a single foeder, these beers have haunting complexity, natural farmhouse funk and refreshing fruitiness.

This version is a blend of our barrel aged foeder and barrel aged sour blonde to achieve a well-balanced and complex wild sour ale. A combination of Black Leaf (黑葉) and Gwai Mei (桂味) Lychee varieties were selected, carefully hand peeled and added to the secondary fermentation, giving the beer an enticing sweet and juicy aroma. Its funky and sour notes contrast with the soft floral notes of ripe Lychee. Oak ageing lends a mouth coating layer of vanillins and the finish is satisfyingly dry.

Funky Fun-Funky! 無腳雀仔荔枝版進行二次發酵時特別加入兩款品種不同的時令荔枝 —桂味及黑葉,為此酒款增添誘人的水果香氣。香甜欲滴的荔枝果肉帶微微花香,與野生酵母所帶來的酸味及Funky強烈對比;香氣中伴隨陣陣雲呢拿等橡木桶風味,整體來說是一款平衡感極高的酸啤。

Award List:

2019 International Beer Cup - Silver

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