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Dom Houblon Vintage 2019

Extra Brut IPA

ABV: 6.0%

Dom Houblon® is a one-of-a-kind collaboration between two of Hong Kong’s most innovative and highest rated breweries - Young Master and Heroes Beer Co., it is an extra dry Brut IPA. With finishing gravity of 0 plato (under 10g/L of residual sugar), minimal bitterness and a heavy dry hop featuring Ahtanum, Mosaic and Ekuanot hops, the brew is bone dry, lemony, fruity and thirst-quenching.

兩間香港頂級啤酒廠-少爺啤與英雄啤再次為啤酒迷帶來拿手之作香檳IPA Dom Houblon,此款啤酒發酵後剩餘糖分極低;釀製過程投放大量香氣型酒花,帶來輕微的苦味及柑橘果香及有如香檳般口感,乾脆的口感加上充足的氣泡,讓人回味無窮。

Award List:

2019 China Craft Beer Award - Gold

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