Green Shoots
Pandan Milkshake IPA
ABV: 6.5% IBU: 20
Green Shoots is our ode to spring and the optimism and transformation the season symbolizes. This year, nature’s annual cycle of rejuvenation carries special significance as all of us hope for respite from an especially toilsome time. Marrying the sweet fragrance of fresh pandan leaves with bright, citrussy hops, Green Shoots is verdant with a pillowy soft texture.
今年春天我地為你帶來生機勃勃嘅一款新酒Green Shoots春色艷雅!正所謂一年之計在於春,我地成班少爺仔都準備就緒,迎接今年嘅新挑戰,為大家釀出更多好酒!新鮮斑蘭葉的甜美氣息,與鮮明的柑橘酒花香不可思議地配合得天衣無縫,口感輕柔順滑,準備好一齊飲住酒充滿地迎接春天降臨未?