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La Niña Fresa

Barrel Aged Wild Ale with Pineapple Tepache

ABV: 6.2% IBU: 5

Marrying two distinct wild yeast fermentation traditions – Tepache from Mexico and Lambic style beer fermentation, this brew aims to blur conventional barriers. Starting with the brewery’s foeder aged sour ale, we co-fermented it with fresh pineapples – pulp, rind and all. Native yeast on the fruit combined with wild strains used in the brewery’s sour beer program complement the base fruitiness with funk and complexity. Extensive ageing in Chardonnay barrels further imparts notes of vanilla and coconut lending it pleasing depth of flavor, completed with a light Tepache-inspired nuance of cinnamon. Playfully dubbed La Niña Fresa, this limited-edition tepache inspired wild ale is sure to please the fussiest of palates.

墨西哥Tepache與比利時Lambic style ---兩款傳統發酵方法聽落好似大纜都扯唔埋,但係少爺同COA將兩者合二為一,變成我地嘅新酒La Niña Fresa!

酒底採用於比利時式橡木桶釀製的混合發酵酸啤,與鮮甜多汁的新鮮菠蘿一同發酵。菠蘿發酵為基底再加上野生酵母所發揮的威力,讓La Niña Fresa充滿野味及層次感;最後更陳釀於Chardonnay酒桶之中,添上陣陣雲呢拿及椰子香氣,與Tepache的微微肉桂滋味配合得天衣無縫。
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