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MIO 2022

MIO 2022

Whiskey Barrel Aged Belgian Quadrupel

ABV: 9.5% IBU: 40

Conjuring nostalgia can be an uplifting reminder of good old days - simpler times when we had unhindered ability to meaningfully connect with people. A remake of one of our stalwart recipes Mio is making a comeback, hopeful of engendering such fond memories. An ode to a classic Belgian Quadrupel, enriched with extensive barrel ageing, it retains classic caramel, toffee, raisin, spice, rose and phenol notes of a Quad. American oak barrels previously used to age bourbon add a veneer of vanilla and coconut notes, imparting final polish.



MIO 2022繼續向經典比利時修道院四倍愛爾酒款致敬,經過木桶陳釀的漫長過程,保留了屬於四倍愛爾的焦糖、拖肥、提子乾、香料、玫瑰等專屬風味;來自美國的波本威士忌桶則為酒款加添了畫龍點睛的雲呢拿及椰子香。

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