Open Saison
Brett Table Saison
ABV: 4.5% IBU: 10
Soft-spoken yet opinionated, Open Saison is a raw, rustic, and relaxed table beer. Freethinking and ambiguous about often fetishized strictures of conventional style categories, it is unrefined and gritty. Fermented using a French saison-style yeast and finished with a microbiome of Brettanomyces strains, it is rough around the edges and yet has effortless drinkability. A reminder that you don’t always need to be loud to make real noise, Open Saison offers unassuming everyday joy.
忠於傳統得來又充滿性格、溫柔細膩但又不失自由奔放,用上這些形容詞來形容我們的新酒Open Saison就最好不過。本著農舍風格的精神,Open Saison絕對是一款不假雕琢、渾然天成的好酒。此酒款用上法國Saison酵母及酒香酵母(Brettanomyces)菌株發酵,清爽而質樸的酒體,極度適合春夏季節輕鬆飲用,是工作後休息時間的最佳伴侶。