Picnic in the Park
Lychee Brut IPA
ABV: 6.5% IBU: 10
Perfect refreshment for a languid day out, our latest release, Picnic in the Park is a dry and effervescent Brut IPA brewed with fresh lychees. Luxuriate in its vinous aroma redolent of tropical fruits, white flowers and gooseberries coupled with a light malt base and a bone-dry finish. Relish your moment in the sun with this crushable yet punchy IPA.
慵懶週末來一杯清爽輕盈的啤酒吧!少爺新推出的 Picnic in the Park 是一款加入新鮮荔枝釀製而成的 Brut IPA。 充滿氣泡感加上輕盈的酒體,散發出熱帶水果、花香和燈籠果的芬芳,伴隨著淡淡的麥芽香,餘韻無窮。這款 IPA 一定是你週末野餐的最佳選擇!