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Siu Sauvin

Nelson Sauvin Hopped Wheat IPA

ABV: 6.5% IBU: 20

A beloved classic revived, Siu Sauvin is an ostentatious display of the elegance of Nelson Sauvin hops from New Zealand. Silky yet hop-forward, this beer exudes unequivocal notes of white grape and gooseberry, fusing seamlessly with clementine, floral and gentle resinous notes.

十年前小麥芬的初次誕生,開啟了少爺勇於創新、不斷研發新酒的創意大門。2024年版的小麥芬,同樣著重彰顯紐西蘭經典啤酒花Nelson Sauvin的優雅風格,散發出白葡萄般的獨特香氣和醋栗風味,與柑橘、花香和淡淡樹脂香調完美地融合在一起。

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