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The Grand Master

Chardonnay Barrel Aged Méthode Traditionelle

ABV: 7.3% IBU: 5

A blend of foeder and chardonnay barrel aged sours different vintages grand master is a delightfully complex yet very drinkable sour. initial lemony brightness with hints orange blossom gives way to fuller texture from ageing coconut vanilla notes coating the palate. its balanced acidity gradually becomes more apparent light acetic bite adding complexity. it vinuous throughout has satisfying medium dry finish.

Happy 40th birthday, Grand Master (Rohit)!

少爺踏入不惑之年變身Grand Master?為慶祝少爺創辦人Rohit四十大壽,少爺團隊秘密釀造一款與別不同的啤酒---Grand Master!Grand Master是款混合不同年份的桶陳酸啤,比利時風格橡木桶與莎當妮葡萄酒桶讓此酒款添上陣陣椰子及雲呢拿風味;渾厚的酒體配合鮮明帶檸檬及橙花的酸味,這樣的搭配可謂天衣無縫!
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